Q: What are the ramps’ hours?
A: We are open 24/7, 365 days a year.
Q: What are parking rates?
A: Very competitive to other ramps.
0-1 hour = $8.00
1-2 hours = $10.00
2-3 hours = $12.00
3-12 hours = $13.00
12-24 hours=$16.00
Enter after 4PM and exit by 8AM Mon - Thu $7.00
Enter after 4PM and exit by 8AM Fri & Sat $10.00
All day Sunday $7.00
New Business Day starts at 5:00AM
Q: How about contract parking?
A: The cost to park is $204 plus tax.
You can start any day of the month; we’ll prorate
the monthly contract cost.
A 30-day minimum commitment is required.
Q: How do I sign up for contract parking?
A: Sign up in advance or on the first day you park.
Visit the Park and Shop ramp office on the first floor.
Download a contract now and learn more.
Park and Shop Contract
Q: Does the ramp have skyway access.
A: Yes, the ramp is skyway-connected.
Q: Where is the ramp located?
A: Park and Shop ramp is located in
Downtown Minneapolis near the intersection of 8th Street and LaSalle
Avenue. See Directions for complete information.
Q: What is the overhead clearance for each ramp?
A: Park and Shop is 6’9”.